Entries Tagged as 'Presentations'

360|Flex session posted

360|Flex has posted the latest session I gave in Washington DC. The session was called "Breaking down your application with Mate".

Unless you attended 360, you'll need to pay $2.5 to view it. Disclaimer: this is all managed by 360|Flex.

MAX Source Code and Slides

This is the code we distributed together with the other 3 frameworks' code for our MAX session titled "Using Flex Frameworks to Build Data-Driven Applications". I didn't include the code for the other frameworks because I wasn't sure if I had their latest versions. I'll update the links here when they post the code in their respective websites.

Instructions to run the application:

  1. Start the database: Open a DOS prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac), navigate to sampledb and execute startdb.bat (Windows) or startdb.sh (Mac)
  2. Start Tomcat: Open a DOS prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac), navigate to tomcat/bin and execute catalina run (Windows) or catalina.sh run (Mac)
  3. In Flex Builder click File > Import > General > Existing Projects into Workspace. Specify 'projects' as the root directory and click Finish

These are the slides I used.

Update: code for PureMVC by Javier Julio

Using Flex Frameworks to Build Data-Driven Applications at MAX

I'll be presenting Mate at MAX in a session called "Using Flex Frameworks to Build Data-Driven Applications". It will be a 4-hour long session where we will have the opportunity to present along with Alex Uhlmann of Cairngorm, Javier Julio of PureMVC, Chris Scott of Swiz and Christophe Coenraets.

Presenting online at FlexMania

Everybody is invited to FlexMania. Tomorrow, July 7th, I'll be presenting about Mate (in English). It will probably be a shorter version of the presentation I gave at 360|Flex, about scaling Mate applications, so if you missed it, you can see it now.

Presenting at the San Diego Flash User Group

Tomorrow we'll be driving down to San Diego to present at their Flash user group.

Hope to see you there!