Classpublic dynamic class Request

Request allows you to add variables to an HTTPServiceInvoker that will be set in an object as the request property of the HTTPService call. Onfe of the advantages of using SmartRequest is that it can read smartObjects from the EventMap such as: event, lastResult, currentEvent, resultObject, fault, message, data, etc.

When using GET method, these variables will be sent as query string parameters. Otherwise, they will be added to the POST request.

See also

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined by
  _id : *
If you need to specify a request property that is called "id", you need to use _id instead because Flex will normally use the id property as the identifier for this tag.
Property detail
public var _id:*

If you need to specify a request property that is called "id", you need to use _id instead because Flex will normally use the id property as the identifier for this tag.