Documentation for classes includes syntax, usage information, and code samples for methods, properties, and event handlers and listeners for those APIs that belong to a specific class in ActionScript. The classes are listed alphabetically. If you are not sure to which class a certain method or property belongs, you can look it up in the Index.

com.asfusion.mate.actions AbstractAction is a base class for all classes implementing IAction.
com.asfusion.mate.actionLists AbstractHandlers is a base class for all the IActionList implementations.
com.asfusion.mate.actions AbstractServiceInvoker is the base class for all the IAction that have inner-handlers/actions.
 ActionListEvent Event indicating status changes in the IActionList (start, end, etc).
 AsyncCommandInvoker AsyncCommandInvoker allows calling the execute method on the newly created EventDispatcher object or in the instance if one is provided.
com.asfusion.mate.testing This class provides a mechanism for dispatching a method asynchronously.
 AsyncMethodInvoker AsyncMethodInvoker allows to calling an asynchronous function specified in the method attribute on the newly created EventDispatcher object or in the instance if that is provided.
com.asfusion.mate.actions BaseAction is the base class for all the IActions that have Properties
com.asfusion.mate.core Binder is a helper class used to bind properties of two objects
com.asfusion.mate.core The Cache allows getting cached objects within the event map's IActionList.
com.asfusion.mate.actions CacheCopier Mate tag - adds an existing instance of a class to the specified Mate cache
com.asfusion.mate.actions When placed inside a IActionList tag and the list is executed, CallBack will call the function specified in the method attribute on the target of the event.
 CommandInvoker The CommandInvoker tag is very similar to the MethodInvokerr tag, but limited.
com.asfusion.mate.core Creator is a factory class that uses a template and an array of arguments to create objects.
com.asfusion.mate.actions The DataSaver tag allows you to save values into some object.
com.asfusion.mate.utils.debug The Debugger tag allows debugging your Mate code (EventHandlers and inner-acction-lists, IAction, etc).
com.asfusion.mate.utils.debug DebuggerUtil is a helper class used to build strings describing errors for debugging purposes
 DelegateInvoker The DelegateInvoker can be used with any method that returns an AsyncToken.
 Dispatcher The Dispatcher can be used to dispatch an event from anywhere in your application.
 DispatcherEvent Event that notifies when Dispatcher changes.
 EventAnnouncer EventAnnouncer allows you to dispatch events from a IActionList.
com.asfusion.mate.actionLists A EventHandlers defined in the EventMap will run whenever an event of the type specified in the EventHandlers's "type" argument is dispatched.
com.asfusion.mate.core A fundamental part of Mate is the EventMap tag which allows you define mappings for the events that your application creates.
 EventProperties You can add properties to your event by using the EventProperties tag inside the eventProperties attibute in the Dispatcher.
com.asfusion.mate.core GlobalDispatcher is the default dispatcher that "Mate" uses.
 HTTPServiceInvoker The HTTPServiceInvoker tag is used to create an HTTP Service instance and make a GET or POST request to that service.
com.asfusion.mate.actions Members of the IActionList's actions array must implement this interface.
com.asfusion.mate.actionLists This interface defines a basic list of actions.
 IBuilder IBuilder is an interface that it is implemented by all the classes that create objects via a generator.
com.asfusion.mate.core An interface that allows implementors to receive the data property from the IActionList
com.asfusion.mate.utils.debug An interface to help the Debugger getting messages from LogEvent
com.asfusion.mate.core Interface that provides an event dispatcher.
com.asfusion.mate.core An interface that allows implementors to receive the event property from the IActionList
com.asfusion.mate.utils.debug This interface provides an IMateLogger and a reference to a the current target for debugging purposes.
com.asfusion.mate.utils.debug All loggers within Mate framework must implement this interface.
com.asfusion.mate.core IMateManager is the core class of Mate
 InjectorEvent This event is used by the InjectorRegistry to register a target for Injection.
com.asfusion.mate.ioc InjectorRegistry registers a target instance to be used by the InjectorHandlers to inject any properties on it.
com.asfusion.mate.actionLists An Injectors defined in the EventMap will run whenever an instance of the class specified in the Injectors's "target" argument is created.
com.asfusion.mate.ioc InjectionSettings lets you have more control on how the injection occurs.
 InjectorSettingsEvent Event that notifies when InjectorSettings changes.
com.asfusion.mate.actions Allows calling an inline function (a function defined in the event map) or calling a static function in any class.
 InternalResponseEvent Event used internally to send responses to the IReponseHandlers
com.asfusion.mate.core The IProperty interface allows to set properties in an Object.
com.asfusion.mate.responses This interface is required by response handlers to be placed inside the Dispatcher tag
com.asfusion.mate.actionLists Scope is an object created by the IActionList.
com.asfusion.mate.core An interface that allows implementors to receive the scope property from the IActionList
com.asfusion.mate.core An Interface used to read SmartObjects.
 Listener Listener allows you to register a view as a listener for an event type.
com.asfusion.mate.actions Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event.
com.asfusion.mate.core The ListenerProxy is used by the injector (via MateManager) to register to the dispatcher to listen to events and dispatch a new InjectorEvent each time the rules match.
com.asfusion.mate.utils.debug This class dispatches events for each message logged, allowing the debugger to listen to those events.
com.asfusion.mate.utils.debug LogInfo is an object sent to the Debugger that encapsulates all the information necessary to create a log.
com.asfusion.mate.utils.debug These are the different types of logs that Mate Framework may show.
 MateLogEvent Event used to send notifications when an error, warning, info, etc occurs.
com.asfusion.mate.core MateManager is in charge of returning an instance of the IMateManager that is one of the core classes of Mate.
com.asfusion.mate.actionLists The MessageHandlers tag allows you to register a set of handlers as a consumer of a Flex Messaging Service.
com.asfusion.mate.actionLists MessageScope is an object created by the MessageHandlers.
com.asfusion.mate.core MethodCaller has the ability to call a method on any object.
 MethodInvoker When placed inside a IActionList tag and the list is executed, MethodInvoker will create an object of the class specified in the generator attribute.
 ObjectBuilder ObjectBuilder is the base class for all the classes that use the generator property to create instances.
com.asfusion.mate.core Properties tag allows you to add properties to an object.
com.asfusion.mate.core Property tag allows you to set a property to an object.
com.asfusion.mate.actions PropertyInjector sets a value from an object (source) to a destination (target).
 PropertySetter PropertySetter will create an object of the class specified in the generator attribute.
 RemoteObjectInvoker The RemoteObjectInvoker tag is used to create a RemoteObject instance and call a method on the object created.
 Request Request allows you to add variables to an HTTPServiceInvoker that will be set in an object as the request property of the HTTPService call.
 ResponseAnnouncer The ResponseAnnouncer tag is placed inside a IActionList, so that when an object dispatches an event, and the list runs, this tag will allow you to send responses directly to the object that dispatched the event.
 ResponseEvent Event used by ServiceResponseHandler to notify responses.
com.asfusion.mate.responses The ResponseHandler tag can be used to receive a response from an event that was dispatched from a Dispatcher instance.
com.asfusion.mate.actionLists Scope is an object created by the IActionList.
com.asfusion.mate.actionLists This class is a list of available types for ISmartObjects
com.asfusion.mate.actionLists A inner-action-list to run when the server call returns a result.
 ServiceInvoker ServiceInvoker is the base class for the following service actions:
  • RemoteObjectInvoker
  • HTTPServiceInvoker
  • WebServiceInvoker
 ServiceInvokerBuilder This base ServiceInvokerBuilder class is very similar to AbstractServiceInvoker with the difference that it also supports the IBuilder interface that will allow creating an object using a generator class.
 ServiceResponseAnnouncer The ServiceResponseAnnouncer tag is placed inside a IActionList, so that when an object dispatches an event, and the list runs, this tag will allow you to send responses directly to the object that dispatched the event.
com.asfusion.mate.responses The ServiceResponseHandler tag can be used to receive a response from an event that was dispatched from a Dispatcher instance.
com.asfusion.mate.actionLists ServiceScope is an object created by the IActionList.
com.asfusion.mate.core SmartArguments is a helper class that parses the arguments with ISmartObject and returns an Array with simple Objects
com.asfusion.mate.core The Smart Objects can be used within the IActionList.
com.asfusion.mate.actions The StopHandlers tag lets you stop a certain IActionList before it reaches the end of the listeners list.
com.asfusion.mate.utils It is a helper class that use the [Mixin] to obtain a reference of the ISystemManager
 UnhandledFaultEvent The event that is dispatched where there are no faultHandlers inside a service tag such as RemoteObjectInvoker, WebServiceObjectInvoker, HTTPServiceObjectInvoker
 UnhandledMessageFaultEvent The event that is dispatched when there are no faultHandlers inside the MessageHandlers tag
 WebServiceInvoker The WebServiceInvoker tag allows you to create a Web Service (mx.rpc.soap.mxml.WebService) in your IActionList and call a method on that web service, in one step.