 IActionList This interface defines a basic list of actions.
 IScope Scope is an object created by the IActionList.
 AbstractHandlers AbstractHandlers is a base class for all the IActionList implementations.
 EventHandlers A EventHandlers defined in the EventMap will run whenever an event of the type specified in the EventHandlers's "type" argument is dispatched.
 Injectors An Injectors defined in the EventMap will run whenever an instance of the class specified in the Injectors's "target" argument is created.
 MessageHandlers The MessageHandlers tag allows you to register a set of handlers as a consumer of a Flex Messaging Service.
 MessageScope MessageScope is an object created by the MessageHandlers.
 Scope Scope is an object created by the IActionList.
 ScopeProperties This class is a list of available types for ISmartObjects
 ServiceHandlers A inner-action-list to run when the server call returns a result.
 ServiceScope ServiceScope is an object created by the IActionList.