 IDataReceiver An interface that allows implementors to receive the data property from the IActionList
 IEventMap Interface that provides an event dispatcher.
 IEventReceiver An interface that allows implementors to receive the event property from the IActionList
 IMateManager IMateManager is the core class of Mate
 IProperty The IProperty interface allows to set properties in an Object.
 IScopeReceiver An interface that allows implementors to receive the scope property from the IActionList
 ISmartObject An Interface used to read SmartObjects.
 Binder Binder is a helper class used to bind properties of two objects
 Cache The Cache allows getting cached objects within the event map's IActionList.
 Creator Creator is a factory class that uses a template and an array of arguments to create objects.
 EventMap A fundamental part of Mate is the EventMap tag which allows you define mappings for the events that your application creates.
 GlobalDispatcher GlobalDispatcher is the default dispatcher that "Mate" uses.
 ListenerProxy The ListenerProxy is used by the injector (via MateManager) to register to the dispatcher to listen to events and dispatch a new InjectorEvent each time the rules match.
 MateManager MateManager is in charge of returning an instance of the IMateManager that is one of the core classes of Mate.
 MethodCaller MethodCaller has the ability to call a method on any object.
 Properties Properties tag allows you to add properties to an object.
 Property Property tag allows you to set a property to an object.
 SmartArguments SmartArguments is a helper class that parses the arguments with ISmartObject and returns an Array with simple Objects
 SmartObject The Smart Objects can be used within the IActionList.