
One-way communication: from views to business logic

Two-way communication: Dispatcher and ResponseHandler tags

One-way communication from business logic to views: Listener tag

Two-way communication via model: Using an adapter

Two-way communication via model: Using view injection

Core classes

Actions diagram


PDF versions for download

One-way communication: from views to business logic

Two-way communication: Dispatcher and ResponseHandler tags

One-way communication from business logic to views: Listener tag

Two-way communication via model: Using an adapter

Core classes

Actions diagram

9 responses

  1. Thanks for the diagrams, they are very clear and to the point. Very simple and easy to understand.

    BTW, what program do you use to create them? They look very neat!
  2. You are welcomed!
    We used OmniGraffle to create them.
  3. OmniGraffle, excellent, what stencil did you use and where can one acquire a copy ?
  4. Damian,<br />If you are talking about the class diagrams, we created the stencil, but it is not available for download.
  5. Do you think you can list the examples (in the &quot;Examples&quot; seciont) that implement each of the above diagrams? The diagrams of particular interest are two-way communication ones, but an example of the full list would also be very helpful. <br /><br />The WeatherWidget (i think) is an example of the &quot;Two-way communication via model: Using view injection&quot;. Are there any other examples that implement this two-way communication?<br /><br />Mate is great.<br /><br />Thanks!
  6. awe, come on, I need that graffle stencil!<br /><br />put it on <a rel="nofollow" href="http://graffletopia.com/">http://graffletopia.com/</a><br /><br />pretty please!
  7. I glossed over these diagrams three months ago and didn't totally get them because I wasn't familiar with the syntax. Over the next few months using bits and pieces of Mate ad hoc, I create a jumbled mess which I was trying to map out on my own. I suddenly remembered these diagrams and after applying these concepts it all made sense and cut out inconsistence, redundant code and made it easier to debug. <br /><br />I realize that the eventmap is a diagram itself and should be outlined in the initial phases of development.
  8. why no love with a graffletopia stencil? you can even include the mate logo in the stencil to get the word out.
  9. I have Simply one word to say......&quot;WOW&quot;.<br /><br />I helps to propagate the events in one place. So Cheers to &quot;Mate&quot;

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