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IAction — Interface in package com.asfusion.mate.actions
Members of the IActionList's actions array must implement this interface.
IActionList — Interface in package com.asfusion.mate.actionLists
This interface defines a basic list of actions.
IBuilder — Interface in package com.asfusion.mate.actions.builders
IBuilder is an interface that it is implemented by all the classes that create objects via a generator.
_id — Property in class com.asfusion.mate.actions.builders.serviceClasses.Request
If you need to specify a request property that is called "id", you need to use _id instead because Flex will normally use the id property as the identifier for this tag.
_id — Property in class com.asfusion.mate.core.Properties
If you need to specify a property that is called "id", you need to use _id instead because Flex will normally use the id property as the identifier for this tag.
id — Property in class com.asfusion.mate.ioc.InjectorTarget
ID of the component.
IDataReceiver — Interface in package com.asfusion.mate.core
An interface that allows implementors to receive the data property from the IActionList
IDebuggerHelper — Interface in package com.asfusion.mate.utils.debug
An interface to help the Debugger getting messages from LogEvent
IEventMap — Interface in package com.asfusion.mate.core
Interface that provides an event dispatcher.
IEventReceiver — Interface in package com.asfusion.mate.core
An interface that allows implementors to receive the event property from the IActionList
ILoggerProvider — Interface in package com.asfusion.mate.utils.debug
This interface provides an IMateLogger and a reference to a the current target for debugging purposes.
IMateLogger — Interface in package com.asfusion.mate.utils.debug
All loggers within Mate framework must implement this interface.
IMateManager — Interface in package com.asfusion.mate.core
IMateManager is the core class of Mate
includeDerivatives — Property in class com.asfusion.mate.actionLists.Injectors
If this property is true, the injector will inject not only the Class in the target property, but also all the classes that extend from that class.
includeDerivativesChanged — Property in class com.asfusion.mate.actionLists.Injectors
Flag indicating if the includeDerivatives property has been changed.
info(msg, ... rest) — Method in class com.asfusion.mate.utils.debug.Logger
Logs the specified data using the LogEvent.INFO level.
INFO — Constant static property in class com.asfusion.mate.utils.debug.Debugger
Designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level.
INHERIT — Constant static property in class com.asfusion.mate.core.Cache
Use same cache type that is defined in the EventMap.
inheritedScope — Property in class com.asfusion.mate.actionLists.AbstractHandlers
Parent scope that is passed to the IActionList when it is a sub-ActionList.
init(systemManager) — Static method in class com.asfusion.mate.utils.SystemManagerFinder
This function will be called automatically by the Flex Framework at a very early stage.
initialized(document, id) — Method in class com.asfusion.mate.actionLists.AbstractHandlers
Called automatically by the MXML compiler if the IActionList is set up using a tag.
initialized(document, id) — Method in class com.asfusion.mate.actions.AbstractAction
Called automatically by the MXML compiler if the AbstractAction is set up by using a tag.
initialized(document, id) — Method in class com.asfusion.mate.core.EventMap
Called automatically by the MXML compiler if the EventMap is set up using a tag.
initialized(document, id) — Method in class com.asfusion.mate.events.Dispatcher
Called automatically by the MXML compiler if the IActionList is set up using a tag.
initialized(document, id) — Method in class com.asfusion.mate.ioc.InjectorTarget
Called automatically by the MXML compiler if the InjectorTarget is set up using a tag.
INJECT_DERIVATIVES — Constant static property in class com.asfusion.mate.events.InjectorEvent
injectDerivativesHandler(event:com.asfusion.mate.events:InjectorEvent) — Method in class com.asfusion.mate.actionLists.Injectors
This function is a handler for the injection event, if the target it is a derivative class the injection gets triggered
InjectorEvent — Class in package com.asfusion.mate.events
This event is used by the InjectorRegistry to register a target for Injection.
InjectorEvent(type, target, bubbles, cancelable) — Constructor in class com.asfusion.mate.events.InjectorEvent
InjectorRegistry — Class in package com.asfusion.mate.ioc
InjectorRegistry registers a target instance to be used by the InjectorHandlers to inject any properties on it.
Injectors — Class in package com.asfusion.mate.actionLists
An Injectors defined in the EventMap will run whenever an instance of the class specified in the Injectors's "target" argument is created.
Injectors() — Constructor in class com.asfusion.mate.actionLists.Injectors
InjectorSettings — Class in package com.asfusion.mate.ioc
InjectionSettings lets you have more control on how the injection occurs.
InjectorSettingsEvent — Class in package com.asfusion.mate.events
Event that notifies when InjectorSettings changes.
InjectorSettingsEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable) — Constructor in class com.asfusion.mate.events.InjectorSettingsEvent
injectorTarget — Property in class com.asfusion.mate.events.InjectorEvent
Target that wants to register for Injection.
InjectorTarget — Class in package com.asfusion.mate.ioc
InlineInvoker — Class in package com.asfusion.mate.actions
Allows calling an inline function (a function defined in the event map) or calling a static function in any class.
innerHandlersClass — Property in class com.asfusion.mate.actions.AbstractServiceInvoker
Class that is used as a template to create the inner-handlers
innerHandlersClass — Property in class com.asfusion.mate.actions.builders.AsyncMethodInvoker
Class that is used as a template to create the inner-handlers
innerHandlersDispatcher — Property in class com.asfusion.mate.actions.AbstractServiceInvoker
Dispatcher that will trigger the inner-handlers execution by dispatching events (ie: ResultEvent or FaultEvent).
innerHandlersList — Property in class com.asfusion.mate.actions.AbstractServiceInvoker
Inner handlers list that stores all inner handlers indexed by the currentIndex.
innerHandlersList — Property in class com.asfusion.mate.actions.builders.AsyncMethodInvoker
Inner handlers list that stores all inner handlers indexed by the currentIndex.
instance — Property in class com.asfusion.mate.actions.CacheSetter
The instance to set in the cache
instance — Property in class com.asfusion.mate.actions.builders.AsyncMethodInvoker
If this property is null, a new object instance is created on the prepare method.
instance — Property in class com.asfusion.mate.actions.builders.DelegateInvoker
The instance of the Delegate to use.
instance — Property in class com.asfusion.mate.actions.builders.HTTPServiceInvoker
If this property is null, a new HTTPService instance is created on the prepare method.
instance — Property in class com.asfusion.mate.actions.builders.RemoteObjectInvoker
If this property is null, a new RemoteObject instance is created on the prepare method.
instance — Property in class com.asfusion.mate.actions.builders.WebServiceInvoker
If this property is null, a new WebService instance is created on the prepare method.
instance — Static property in class com.asfusion.mate.core.MateManager
Returns a single IMateManager instance.
instance — Property in class com.asfusion.mate.utils.debug.LogInfo
Current isntance.
INSTANCE_UNDEFINED — Constant static property in class com.asfusion.mate.utils.debug.LogTypes
Instance is undefined
interceptorEventHandler(event) — Method in class com.asfusion.mate.core.GlobalDispatcher
Every time that the popupDispatcher fires an event, this handler will be called.
InternalResponseEvent — Class in package com.asfusion.mate.events
Event used internally to send responses to the IReponseHandlers
InternalResponseEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable) — Constructor in class com.asfusion.mate.events.InternalResponseEvent
invalidateProperties() — Method in class com.asfusion.mate.actionLists.AbstractHandlers
Marks a component so that its commitProperties method gets called during a later screen update.
invalidateProperties() — Method in interface com.asfusion.mate.actionLists.IActionList
Marks a component so that its commitProperties method gets called during a later screen update.
IProperty — Interface in package com.asfusion.mate.core
The IProperty interface allows to set properties in an Object.
IResponseHandler — Interface in package com.asfusion.mate.responses
This interface is required by response handlers to be placed inside the Dispatcher tag
isActive() — Method in interface com.asfusion.mate.utils.debug.IMateLogger
Function that returns the active status
isActive() — Method in class com.asfusion.mate.utils.debug.Logger
Function that returns the active status
IScope — Interface in package com.asfusion.mate.actionLists
Scope is an object created by the IActionList.
IScopeReceiver — Interface in package com.asfusion.mate.core
An interface that allows implementors to receive the scope property from the IActionList
isDerivative(injectorTarget, targetClass) — Method in class com.asfusion.mate.actionLists.Injectors
Check if the current object is a derivative class and return a boolean value true / false.
ISmartObject — Interface in package com.asfusion.mate.core
An Interface used to read SmartObjects.
IS_NOT_AN_EVENT — Constant static property in class com.asfusion.mate.utils.debug.LogTypes
Not an Event
isRunning() — Method in interface com.asfusion.mate.actionLists.IScope
Returns a boolean indicating if the IActionList is running or not.
isRunning() — Method in class com.asfusion.mate.actionLists.Scope
Returns a boolean indicating if the IActionList is running or not.
isWatching() — Method in class com.asfusion.mate.utils.binding.SoftChangeWatcher
Returns true if each watcher in the chain is attached to at least one change event.
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